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1、 中国情人节要到了,七夕用英语怎么说?七夕快乐。别急,下面是如何用英语介绍中国情人节。

2、 七夕英语是:

3、 Chinese Valentine's Day

4、 织女星的英文是:星星织女星。

5、 The English word for aquila is aquila.

6、 按照中国农历的情人节,也就是每年农历的七月初七,现在在中国被广泛称为“情人节”。

7、 VALENTINE''S Day in China, the seventh day of the seventh lunar month, falls on August 7 this year.

8、 That is, on Thursday night, the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl will meet on the Magpie Bridge across the Milky Way. China's grandmother will remind the children that they can't see any magpies that night because all the magpies have left and built a bridge in the sky with their wings.

9、 用英语祝别人七夕快乐可以这样说:七之夜快乐!七夕快乐!

10、 可以这样问候女生:节日快乐求技能!乞讨节快乐!

11、 更多相关内容请关注太平洋电脑网七夕情人节话题。

